Got $1,000 and a decent credit score? Let’s go look at some properties! Please call (303) 222-0027 or e-mail for a free list of loan programs for first time home buyers.
One of the most exciting parts of the real estate process for first time home buyers is looking at properties in Denver and/or the surrounding areas.
In general, this is the process we follow with the majority of first time home buyers, but we are happy to adjust it to fit your needs.
Tell Us What You Want In A First Home
A good way to start this process of buying a property is to make up a list of what you’d like in a first home. This can include the location (area in Denver, zip code, or neighborhood), number of bedrooms and bathrooms, type of property (condo, loft, townhome, duplex, or single-family house), and features (backyard, fireplace, hardwood floors, etc). Once you tell us what you want, we can begin your search. And if your budget doesn’t fit your dream house, don’t despair. Many first time homes buyers start with condos that lead to second homes in time.
We’ll Put Together A List Of Properties
We’ll put together a list of properties you might like, and go over that list with you.
We’ll Look At Properties Together
We may want to visit all of the properties on the list, or just some of them. We can do that all at once, or over the course of a few days.
We’ll Talk About What You Liked And Didn’t Like And Adjust Our Search Criteria
Once we’ve visited some properties together, we’ll have a better sense of what you are attracted to and what you don’t like.
We’ll Look At More Properties
We’ll go out and look at more properties, including ones that might just have become available.
We’ll Let You Know What’s Available By Keeping In Touch Via Regular E-Mails
Throughout the home buying process, we can send you e-mail reports of what’s available in your desired zip code and price range. You can receive those e-mails on whatever schedule best suits you (daily, several times a week, weekly or monthly).
We’ll Find Something You Love
We’ll keep looking, until we find you the perfect property that you love!
We’ll Put In An Offer
Once we find a house, duplex, townhome, or condo that you love, we’ll put in an offer on it. We’ll base that offer on the listing price of the property, what other similar properties in the area are selling for, and what price we think the seller will accept. Making an offer is as much an art as it is a science, and this is where our years of real estate experience comes into play. There’s nothing worse than finding the property you love and submitting an offer, only to have it rejected. To help ensure that your contract is accepted by the seller, it helps to be pre-qualified for a loan.
We’ll Go Under Contract On Your First Home
If all goes well, the seller will accept our offer, and you’ll be under contract!
The process described above can take place over a few days, weeks, or even months, depending on your criteria, what’s available, and how quickly you can act.
Regardless of timeframe, you can rest assured that we’ll be with you every step of the way, until your successful closing and beyond! We are experienced real estate agents who love working with first time home buyers, and we’d love to help you find the perfect home!
Note: For more information on the process of looking for properties, please call (303) 222-0027, or e-mail
Please note: As a buyer, you won’t have to pay us a real estate commission – the seller will take care of that. So, it never hurts to start looking at property!